A review by kivt
Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie


I went into this book with very little idea what it was about, and I was wonderfully surprised by how good it was. Leckie does an exemplary job of building a world with small details, revealed incidentally while telling a compelling story.

Some reviewers found the treatment of gender to be confusing, which I understand. I felt that my confusion prompted me to read closer, and to more honestly engage my own preconceptions in an attempt to distinguish what I brought to the book & projected on the characters from what the book itself presented. It was both fun and rewarding, which is rare and should be celebrated!

A lot of otherwise really good sci-fi and fantasy novels just totally fall apart at the climax, but this one stayed coherent and internally consistent. The ending was satisfying and gave closure to the current story while laying ground for a promising sequel. Just a solid read all the way through!