A review by robotswithpersonality
Tigerman by Nick Harkaway


Oh, Nick, did you have to break my heart so thoroughly? 
As a work of fiction, this is an incredible accomplishment. The focus on a relationship between a young person and a man who's trying to be a father figure, but particularly the inner life of someone contemplating that role, the intimate scale of some sad age old truths regarding corruption, exploitation, pollution, fear versus science, bureaucracy and duty versus 'the right thing', the apathy of the global community in the face of suffering witnessed at a distance. 
The characters are vivid, the writing is superb. The Suit chapter is one of my favourite moments in a book, ever.
As a reading experience, it HURTS. I think if I explain how it hurts any further I risk giving something away, and the book deserves to be experienced at full impact by the next masochist who picks it up. And yes, I will be picking up more from this author. 
⚠️Animal death, child abuse
child death(?)