A review by bookdevouringmisfit
I Want It That Way by Ann Aguirre


2 stars? 2.5?

I Want It That Way. Oh, what an enticing title. I admit, the title was what made me read the book. But I wouldn't deny that I also got a little bit excited to read this. Come on! Plenty of positive reviews. Add the fact that most of my friends here love Ann Aguirre.

But see.. here's the thing. Looks can be deceiving, eh? Or should I say, titles? Whatever. The main point is that I didn't like this book the way I expected I would. I hate that it was only at about the 80% mark where things got exciting. Pretty much everything before that was Nadia narrating her monotonous everyday life. I don't know anyone who wouldn't get bored with that. And I couldn't for the life of me understand how Nadia can jump from lust into love when she and Ty barely had any conversation before she realized that she was already in love. Add the fact that Ty was also a grumpy ass (his words, not mine) in the beginning. Lust ? Yeah, that I get. But love? When you've only known each other for less than two months and in that span of time you can only count in one hand the number of meaningful encounters and conversations you had? Hehehe. NO. Don't you have to at least have a connection with someone to be in love? I've never been in love but I'm pretty sure about that. (Again, it's the cynic side of me speaking but come on!)

The upside of this book was despite the FWB situation being a trope in NA books, Ann Aguirre's characters have depth. Somehow, the characterization escaped the cliche that most NAs fail to get out of. They aren't only some college kids who want to get laid and wasted. They have problems too - as much as any problem a 21-year old can have. And they try as best as they could to if not solve, but manage them. I also appreciate the involvement of the main characters' families. How their families play a big part in their lives. Also, the friendship! Ahhh great friendship in a book = happy me. I'm a firm believer that no man is an island after all.

The book may not be for me but it doesn't mean that you guys wouldn't enjoy it. There are still some good things about it that I'm just too lazy to write about. So might as well read it and see for yourselves. Aaaannndd.. here's to me still looking foward to the next book. Yeah. Because I'm optimistic like that. I have my moments.