A review by andye_reads
Beautiful Darkness by Margaret Stohl, Kami Garcia


I'm so excited about this review I can hardly stand it. My fingers are nervous with excitement as I type. This book was everything I'd hoped for and much, much more. Kami and Margaret write with such passion and intensity that every time I cracked the book opened I felt like some kind of Caster spell was put on me, for I felt like I was in another world, in a trance. The very same way Beautiful Creatures would make me feel. It's really a great way to ignore the loud children and hungry husband. I can't express how good the writing is. It will take you places you could only imagine in your wildest dreams.

Ethan... OH, Ethan. Since my husband does not read my reviews, I can say without hurting his feelings... ETHAN is tha' man. I have dreamt about him, for some reason my husband usually shows up and challenges Ethan to a dual, like in the days of Zorro. ( The mask really adds something ) I don't know where that came from???

OK, back to serious. Ethan's love for Lena is so strong and intoxicating. I think that his love for her was the backbone to this entire Caster/Mortal love story. Everything centers around What wouldn't Ethan do for Lena? Ethan goes to the ends of the earth and back for a girl that when he holds her hand, he feels the numbing shock of the cold or when he kisses her he feels literally on fire. Ethan doesn't care about any of that. Risking his life is not even a question when it comes to the love he cherishes most. Believe me Risking his life is an understatement!!! He loves Lena so much it was almost a drug to me when I was reading about it. I know what your thinking... This stay-at-home-mom has completely lost it!!!

Beautiful Darkness took me on a journey that I was not expecting. The Castor tunnels, the forest and the caves were all so well described and painted on paper, I felt like I could read the maps that Liv ( You'll meet her soon enough ) would hold and smooth out on the palms of her hand. Link was such a great best friend, Always there for Ethan and of course was funnier than ever. And Amma, made me miss my grandmother. She was the perfect mix of stubborn, protective and Don't-Even-Roll-Your-Eyes-at-Me-or-I'ma-Gonna-Beat-You-With-a-Stick type of love. You don't know whether to cry because your scared Amma really has a stick or smile because deep down she knows what's best.

Overall, I would have to say this book was pretty much perfection. I only have one tiny, negative, sad thing to say about this book and that would be, I wish Lena and Ethan were together more like in the BC. Since Lena doesn't want to cause Ethan any harm or put him in any type of danger she tries to keep a safe distance from him. Let me just say, Ethan Wate would have none of that nonsense...

There are so many other things I want to say about this book and about the characters that I loved so much, but spoilers would be involved and I can't do that!

Beautiful Darkness comes out hardcover - October 12, 2010 ~ PLEASE, pick up a copy. You'll be so glad you did! Make sure you read Beautiful Creatures first. Go read my review!