A review by aastraeaa
Meeting Mr. Anderson by Elle Nicoll


will be commenting as I read,

ok, the author is trying so hard to make him this deep emotional person, I already know it will not be like that.

trying so hard to make her so unique and different, but she's basic and boring in reality.

I don't see how a sex scene can be so long and boring and quick.

wow her ex kinda sucks in the most stupid and superficial way.... commentary on that, she's almost 30 and knows he sucks why is she even wasting time almost a year after their breakup thinking of him. also laws are a thing... her problem requires an extremely easy solution. Overall I already know she's dumb and a weak character, I can also assume the author will try to make her seem different.

yeast infections, and also ew in the shower part.

trying so hard to make him funny... it's not working I haven't found this even slightly amusing.

Also, they've had maybe 2 conversations... idk man I wait before (spoiler) telling someone about my dead best friend or an ex who made a nonconsensual sex tape and showed people... might be me and my healthy, normal boundaries though.

I just know they will have this forced chemistry that is just portrayed by a bunch of mediocre sex scenes but ill try to get through it. Few pages later, I am right. Their sex is trying so hard to be good but the characters are actually so boring. I know their trauma dump and jobs and that's basically it. this author is just telling us about their characteristics but doesn't show said character traits. only the boring sex.

Honestly, if you're feeling horny read something else, there are books that have minor plots but focus a lot on the sex. Read those because everything here sucks. Kind of scared considering this is the first of the series and the author sucks at writing, plot, character development or even just creating a mildly interesting character. Truly hope they get better but the bad writing is as much as I can stand. It's a miracle this was published at all and either someone did not consider that people deserve actual decent books, she got lucky, or bought her way in because it has absolutely nothing to do with talent. I've read fanfiction written by middle schoolers in 2011 better than whatever the hell this is. Couldn't get through how bad it was.