A review by donnaeve
Eventide by Kent Haruf



What I thought would happen, didn't.
What I didn't even bother to think would happen, did.

Haruf wrote this story in little vignettes. It was like walking along the streets of Holt as a peeping Tom and the reader gets to take a peek into each character and what's going on with them, and then the next chapter, you move on to another one.

Loose threads. There were some loose threads, but IMO, it's almost like Haruf gave readers a bit of direction with these individuals because the Hoyt Raines, Donnas, Luthers, and Bettys of the world, these broken down people who take, and don't give, go on. Maybe Haruf didn't think they needed anything more said about them, because the people who care for others, and try to do right, and what's best for everyone, those are the threads of the story we care most about. So, he took Raymond McPheron, Rose Tyler, Victoria Robideaux and Katie, DJ and Mary Wells, snagged their story thread through a single needle hole, and sewed it all up nicely. Well done, Mr. Haruf - in the great beyond.

I liked this one better than Plainsong - which I gave 4 stars. This book was more gritty, and SO well done with regard to showing a writer like myself just how someone of Haruf's ability gets it done, and . . . breaks the rules . . . and makes me not care that he did.