A review by _rusalka
The Girl Who Played Go by Shan Sa


I believe I bought this book after I read [b:Memoirs of a Geisha|929|Memoirs of a Geisha|Arthur Golden|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1409595968l/929._SY75_.jpg|1558965], realising there may be an entire world out there I hadn't even thought of. Which would have been about 18 years ago. I am glad I finally got there, as it has made room on my shelf.

The book is awkwardly written. Every chapter switches protagonist (there are two), which is fine. There is nothing that alerts you to that fact. They both speak in the first person. And there was a good 10 minutes I couldn't work out why someone who seemed to be a young girl in China was now in Japan with a different way of talking about their family. It was off-putting to start but got into the swing of it.

However, what I didn't get into the swing of was our female protagonist was a horrible, snobby, bitchy human being who really did not give a shit about anyone except herself. The love interests were all amazing red flags for not getting involved with. And the ending... just... no.

Unsatisfying, unlikable, really not recommendable. I wouldn't have finished it if it wasn't for a team toppler. Enough of a story but not enjoyable characterisation.