A review by steph01924
Seer of Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier


It was great to be back in the world of Sevenwaters...but whereas I loved the addition of Heir of Sevenwaters, I just couldn't love this book as much. There didn't seem to enough...action, tension, actual drama. And I would've liked to see some more development of WHY Felix would fall in love with Sibeal, not just suddenly, oh she's my savior - and she's so beautiful and pious. I totally love her. Maybe it would've been ok if every other line from them near the end wasn't describing how deep and abiding their love was - it's taller than the trees, unshakable as a rock, etc. etc. It got to be a bit much, even for a romantic like me. SHOW me, don't tell me - again and again and again. I'd say it was my least favorite of the five, though I did have fun while reading it - I just wish it was more substantial, more...epic.