A review by limabean74
The Dolls by Kiki Sullivan


My Review

If you take The Craft, The Secret Circle and add a dash of Mean girls you have The Dolls. Going into this book I wasn't sure what to expect but what I got was a pretty good read that kept my interest and I had a serious love hate relationship with some of the characters.
Eveny Cheval has been living with her Aunt Bea in NY since her mom passed away when she was younger. Having lived away from her family home for so long her Aunt thought it would be a good time for her to return to her family home in Carrefours Louisanna. The Town isn't what you except and the people are even worse. Something strange is going on and people are turning up dead, Eveny will soon need the help of the two most popular girls Peregrine and Chloe the "Mean Girls" in the school to help her find out what's going on before it's to late for all of them.

I honestly loved this book. I HATED Peregrine, like 100% hated her. I think I was supposed to but even if I wasn’t I still did. I really adored Eveny and Chloe. Chloe was like the middle person always getting in front of Peregrine when she got a little nasty or out of control.

The world build wasn’t to bad, I would have liked a little more explanation about Carrefours and the Main De Lumiére but it was easy enough to understand who they were and what they wanted. I loved the story, I found it to be very interesting and at the story unfolded I really got into all the twists and turn of who was good and who was out to get our Main Character. I was totally wrong a few times. Lol.

I gave The Dolls by Kiki Sullivan 4/5 stars, This was a great story with some really awesome characters, some I loved and some I hated. I recommend for anyone that is looking for a mix of Magic and Mean HS Girl. This is really a fun book to read :)

Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life