A review by mackle13
The Earl & the Fairy, Volume 4 by Mizue Tani, 香魚子, Ayuko



The back of this volume says it's the last, and it looks like the anime it's based on only lasted one season... and I'm sad to see it go.

While not without its flaws (i.e. a sort of typical romance with the shy, awkward girl with the ugly duckling complex, and the dark, possibly dangerous, bad boy whose heart she changes) - it was a quick, fun and frothy sort of read complete with derring-do, danger and faeries, set in 1800s London.

Ah, yes... the perfect sort of brain candy.

Well, Lydia and Edgar, et al - I hardly knew ye, and I'm sad to see you go, especially since the story feels incomplete. I mean, the plot-arc is tied up, but there's a lot of unresolved stuff from the characters, and I think there's definitely room to grow the story.

I sort of hope that they decide, at some point, to expand beyond the anime and maybe continue the series.