A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
The Paris Network by Siobhan Curham


The Paris Network
Author: Siobhan Curham
Launch date: 15 February 2022
ARC review. This audiobook was given to me from the publisher and the author.

Set in the nazi regime in France during the Second World War we meet Laurence who is a French lady and an bookstore owner.

The story starts with a tear breaking introduction part where her best friend from her childhood is sent to war to join the military.

Difficult times engulf the young Laurence her life when the Germans invade her hometown. Times of absolute darkness lie in wait for her and her beloved ones. The Germain soldiers take the inhabitants their freedom away.

Filled with warmth in her heart and dedicated to give her people their freedom back, Laurence joins the French Resistance and with this brave action she risk her own life.

"I'm not afraid
I'm born to do this "

And then suddenly there is this unexpected starlight that shines over Laurence and her friends their life. Laurence gets pregnant and give birth to a baby girl named Jeanne. The little girl make them forget the darkness around them.

Past and present alternate each other and Jeanne grows up. We meet Jeanne during her aldult years. When Jeanne attent at the funeral of her mom she finds out that the woman who raised her is not her biological mom.

Shocked by this unexpected encounter that cross her path, she confronts her dad.

Jeanne her dad turned out to be a former member of the American Airforce during the Second World War and that's how he and her biological mom Laurence met in France. When her father admits that Laurence is the biological mom of his daughter, the both of them travel to France together.

Is Jeanne ready to find out about the War past of her mom that awaits her in France?

Every word would be to short to describe my feelings about this book.
All i can say is that I'm hoping with my whole heart that this book would be made into a movie. Every person need to read this book to experience for themselves what for emotions it cause.

May the Second World War never be forgotten

Trigger warnings:
War violence