A review by mimireadsromance
Fighting for What's His by Laura Kaye


Fighting For What's His was a fun play on the roommates to lovers trope! Add in the fact that Billy, our hero, is the best friend of Shayna's older brother and I just knew their romance was going to be rife with tension. That tension played out beautifully, balanced by the couple's easy camaraderie and fun wordplay. I enjoyed the banter as Billy & Shayna forged a supportive friendship, helping each other to face not just day to day issues, but the deeply buried guilt they each harbored. I have to say, Shayna stole the show in this book. She is an amazing heroine and I loved everything about her! She's intelligent, funny as all get out, and not afraid to speak up for what she wants. If only all women were as comfortable in their own skin!
Of course, the rest of the crew from the fight club made appearances, which left me so ready for the next book in the series! My one "issue", which is the reason I didn't give this book five stars, is that Billy still seemed sort of lost at the end of the book. I know it was left at him seeking more help to deal with his demons, but I'd have loved for him to have found a little happiness in his career the way that Shayna was able to. Hopefully we'll see that resolved in future books.