A review by sommerthe1st
The Beantown Girls by Jane Healey


I want to be clear: this isn’t a bad book, but its not the best, and after reading Goodbye From Paris, I can only give this one a 3. You can definitely see how Healey grows as an author. This is the second book I’ve read about club mobile girls, and this was definitely to the better one considering the other was a DNF for me. This book was full, lemme explain: I just read 2 books of similar sizes, but this one made me slow down. There was just so much going on on every page that you do have to slow down and process all of it. No offense to Katee Robert, but they’re just not on the same level. Anyways, there was the usual laughs, tears (I cry at anything I read), serious moments. All of it. It’s a good book, but not a great one.