A review by xterminal
No More Pacifier for Piggy! by Sam Williams, Bernette G. Ford


Bernette Ford, No More Pacifier for Piggy! (Boxer Books, 2012)

We got this and another book in the series (No More Biting for Billy Goat!) out of the library and put them into rotation at story time. I wasn't convinced at first they were going to last the entire tenure (our library allows three-week book checkouts), but we're into week three and both the bean and I have warmed to the characters somewhat, though the writing still feels a little more expository than it feels like it should be (“Piggy laughs...and drops his pacifier on the ground! He looks in his pocket for another. But he doesn't have one.”). But the book's biggest problem is its vastly oversimplified ending. I know this is a topic that is way too complex for a kids' book, and you can't explain too much complexity to kids, but it's certainly been done better than this (viz. Brigitte Weninger's Bye-Bye Binky for one good example). Not bad, but could have been much better. ** ½