A review by ixalia
Children of the Night by Mercedes Lackey


I first read this as a teenager, and figured it was free to read on kindle, I'd give it a re-read. Alas, it has not aged well!

Written in the late 80's, the language and attitudes of the characters really reflects that, and not always in a good way.

That said, it's a semi-diverse cast, especially for a book published in 1990, though some representation is done okay, other bits not so much. The f-slur is metioned at least once (used to make fun of people that would use that word seriously), and g*psy is used multiple times. While this was a more socially acceptable word in the 80's & 90's, it's never used in a way that felt outright derogatory within the text. However, I'm not a member of that community so my opinion carries little weight on that point. It is a word that nowadays would (hopefully) not be used in any context.

The pacing is fast enough that you don't get bogged down in the occasional melodrama of the characters, who do occasionally feel two dimensional, especially some of the background characters.

It's not the best book, but my opinion is coloured by nostalgia, so... 2.5 stars.