A review by see_sadie_read
Acrobat by Mary Calmes



I'm rating this fairly highly, maybe even higher than it deserves, simply because I enjoyed it. Yes, all the Italian got on my nerves. 'Cause, you know, I don't speak Italian. And Nate was far, far, far too perfect a Marty Sue to be believable. Honestly, he was almost too perfect to even like (though EVERYONE seemed to). Plus, all the side characters were larger than life and therefore also irritatingly shiny. Oh, and the random BDSM references were out of left field and didn't really further the plot any. Oh, oh and I wanted to gag for the last quarter of the book, because it was all just soooo sappy as it drug itself around to make sure EVERYONE got their schmaltzy happy ending.

So, yeah, I have complaints. But Dreo makes up for almost all of that. So does the fact that the book is a bit of a slow burn. (Though once things get started the relationship never slows down and everything suddenly feels rushed, rushed, rushed.) So, this book is one of those odd combinations where a lot of individual aspects of it annoy me and would usually put me off, but I still somehow ended it surprisingly satisfied. I guess sometimes there really is no accounting for taste...even to yourself.