A review by books_over_everything
The Rogue Queen by Emily R. King


Title The Rogue Queen (The Hundredth Queen #3)

Author Emily R. King

Description from Amazon

Despite the odds, Kalinda has survived it all: Marriage to a tyrant. Tournaments to the death. The forbidden power to rule fire. The icy touch of a demon.

That same demon now disguises itself as Rajah Tarek, Kalinda’s late husband and a man who has never stopped haunting her. Upon taking control of the palace and the army, the demon brands Kalinda and her companions as traitors to the empire. They flee across the sea, seeking haven in the Southern Isles.

In Lestari, Kalinda’s powers are not condemned, as they are in her land. Now free to use them to protect those she loves, Kalinda soon realizes that the demon has tainted her with a cold poison, rendering her fire uncontrollable. But the lack of control may be just what she needs to send the demon back to the darkest depths of the Void.

To take back the empire, Kalinda will ally with those she distrusts—and risk losing those most loyal to her—to defeat the demon and bring peace to a divided nation.

Initial Thoughts

For anyone who follows me on Instagram, you might know that I went to the US Open last week. My dad and grandma were super late meeting me and I wasn’t actually planning on listening to this book that night but it was the only audiobook I had on me. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely wanted to listen to it soon, but even I couldn’t anticipate how fast I would go through this series.

Some Things I Liked

Less politics, more magic. I liked that the focal point of this book was more about the magic system and the supernatural issues that plague this world.
New additions to the gang. I loved Inda. She was a fun and level-headed addition to the crew.
New settings. I also loved that the group traveled more and we got to learn more about the neighboring countries in this volume.

One Thing I Wasn’t Crazy About

DEVEN. No spoilers so I can’t say any more but I was not a fan of what happened to him. It should have been Ashwin or like anyone else. Also, [insert Derek from Stepbrothers son’s voice] “What’s this guy’s deal?” I’m totally over Deven’s pity party about how Kali owes it to the empire to be their Rani. They belong together and Deven just needs to embrace that.

Series Value

There’s a major cliffhanger at the end of this book so I absolutely had to finish the last book. Just when I thought this series was starting to fade a bit, it sucked me right back in.

Final Thoughts

This series still has me hooked. There were moments that I lost interest, but they were few and only momentary. I am still invested and very eager to find out what happens in the last book.

Please note, this title is free on Kindle Unlimited!


Recommendations for Further Reading

Before the Broken Star by Emily R. King – if you enjoyed the writing style in The Hundredth Queen, definitely check out Emily R. King’s new series, The Evermore Chronicles. Two books are out now with book three releasing in December 2019.
The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala – if you liked the Indian influences in this story, give The Tiger at Midnight a try.
The Warrior Queen by Emily R. King – you made it this far, even if you don’t like this series, you owe it to yourself to finish it! And, the last book is really good!