A review by theawkwardbookw
This Is How We Fly by Anna Meriano


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*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review*

It's the summer before Ellen is going off to college, and she wants nothing more than to hang out with her two bestfriends. But then, Ellen is grounded by her step-mom. With the help of her friend Melissa, Ellen convinces her father to allow her to join a muggle Quidditch team. As the summer goes on, Melissa starts to pull away from her, causing her to form connections with new people on the team.

This was a pretty average book, not much really happened in the long run. It just felt a bit lengthy and repetitive after awhile, it definitely could have been cut down and still gotten the same points across. I think that it had some great discussions surrounding homophobia, feminism, sexuality and gender. There is a lot of representation in this book, which I loved reading about. I also enjoyed how multiple characters were questioning their identities (sexual, gender and racial) and how much support they had from other people in the book. I also liked how the relationship between Connie, Ellen's step-mom, and her was resolved. I think the whole book wrapped up very nicely, but like I said, it just took so long to get to that point.