A review by ofbooksandromance
Captivating by Onley James


5 “this body is yours” stars

Firstly, this is probably the most fascinating book I have ever read. Shep is a high-functioning sociopath, and as the book explains: “A sociopath has limited empathy and can form some level of attachment.’’ but Shep’s mom has been studying behavioral psychology for years and she put him through a lot of things so that can pass like everyone else, meaning that at first glance you would never know that is a sociopath, he acts like everyone else, having learnt how to read people and how to act like they expect him to act. But also, that allows him to form attachment. He only has ever formed one in his entire life (to a dog when he was a kid). And the second he sees Elijah, he forms his second attachment of his entire life. I loved seeing Shep and how he dealt with that attachment. It’s so simple for him, he knowns that it’s Elijah that he wants and thats it: “I don’t need to date him. I want him. I don’t need to test him out. I just want him to know I’ve…chosen him.”

I loved Elijah. He is a very famous actor but he’s lost and he’s not allowed to be himself (his mom is his manager and she allows him be gay in public, but he can’t be the man he wants be, he needs to be the man she wants him to be at all times). Elijah’s mom is just the worst, she has never wanted what is best for him, she just wants him to be successful actor. Elijah has lived through a lot and he deserves the best, and the best for him is Shep, who would do everything to protect him. And Shep realizes the fact that Elijah is hidding so he decided to show him his true colours and not his fake persona so that people don’t realize that he doesn’t feel any emotions, in a effort to get Elijah to open up to him. God did I love how these two started to be more true with each other and showing their true self. These two are perfect for each other. They fit so well together because Elijah is a man that needs attention and someone to be devoted to him and Shep would do everything for his man and takes care of him at all time.

I loved loved loved how Elijah never gave up on Shep, even when he learnt that he is a sociopath, he just tried to inform himself so that he knew what he was dealing with, but he knew that he wanted Shep and went for it and I adored that. “Your mother says your obsession with me could be dangerous for those around me,” Elijah told him between open mouth kisses. “I don’t care. She wants to talk to us together tomorrow. I don’t care. She might say us being together is a horrible idea. I…don’t...care,” he promised, teasing his tongue along Shep’s bottom lip. “All I care about is you and me and whatever this is between us’’. and also ‘’So, you’re a sociopath. All relationships have issues. It could be worse. You could be a republican.”

And Shep, dear god Shep. I loved how he explained how he feels about Elijah: “You are the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. You are the only person who makes me smile. I feel like something is missing when you leave the room. I would protect you with my life. Is that love?” It’s so pure. He has no clue how human emotions feel and how one experience them, but he knowns that for the first time in his life he wants someone, Elijah, and thats all that matters to him. That man would do anything for Elijah, but mostly anything to make sure that he’s safe and that no one hurts him. Because Shep can’t form regular attachments, he is really really possesive, Elijah is his and his alone and no one hurts whats his. Here is how Shep describes how Elijah makes him feel: “Seeing you happy is the closest thing to happy I can experience. You’re mine. Providing for you, giving you what you need, that… moves something in me, but that’s as close to happy as I can get.”

One thing I really loved is how Shep gets a tattoo that says ‘’This body is yours’’ . Because as he explains: “I’m yours. This body is yours. It belongs to you. Whatever you need to be happy, whatever you want to do with it, I’ll give it to you.”

Oh and one last thing, that fucking ending, holy fucking shit! It’s so very them, I loved it.

I just adored everything about this. This has to be one of my favourite book I have ever read. But mostly, I fucking loved reading about Shep and how him being a sociopath affects his life and how he works and all. This is so damn fascinating. It’s a wonderful book and it’s so well done.