A review by juliagoesoutdoors
Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter by Ben Goldfarb


❤️I'm a beaver believer❤️

A very well researched and all-encompassing book on beavers.

Goldfarb uses history, biology, and case studies to depict the ecological importance of the beaver. He uses strong evidence to layout how the benefits of beavers far, far outweigh their minor negative impacts on human built infrastructure. The author writes in a journalistic style and documents how he has personally traveled across the US west and even abroad to talk beaver with researchers, biologists, engineers, hydrologists, and beaver aficionados. This book was equally as informative as it was an entertaining read.

As someone working in the natural resources field, I have personally seen fish biologists advocate for the removal of beaver dams in the name of fish passage. This is a common Iine of thinking despite these same biologists passing a 70 year old 50 million dollar dam on their way to work everyday.. one whose construction has coincidentally coincided with the decline of native bull trout.

I'd recommend this book to both well-versed naturalists and to those who know little to nothing about ecology. I definitely learned a lot