A review by kathydavie
Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase


Third in the Scoundrels historical romance series.

The Story
An interesting tale that I slogged through. It was obvious and bore a slight resemblance to the dialog, mores, or culture of the time period.

Lord Dain lost his mother when he was 8-years-old when she ran off with another man and his father shipped him off to boarding school to get rid of him. Never knowing love, young Dain grew up believing that women were good for only one thing and it was best if he simply bought that. Then he finds himself challenged in this regard when he encounters Jessica Trent over a very naughty watch in Paris.

It's struggle from then on for each of them to stay away from the other. Jess is too smart to be taken in and Dain is in too much lust. I will give Lord of Scoundrels this much, Chase does not conform to the usual path an historical romance takes but has both Dain and Jess thumbing their noses at convention and rescuing each other along with a very young man.

The Cover
The cover is a typical bodice ripper in extremely vivid hues with a shirtless man embracing a wanton, dark-haired woman. I don't know why I bother commenting on the covers of the books I've actually read when it's never the cover that comes up on Goodreads...