A review by wunder
The Secret Duchess by Jane Walsh


This was OK but didn't grab my interest. It had a slow start detailing the separate dire circumstances of the two main characters, maybe it should have started when Joan and Maeve meet in the shop then filled in with flashbacks? The narrative kept pausing to describe clothes in detail, but it somehow didn't sell that Maeve's fashion sense was exceptional, it just sounded like she enjoyed expensive clothes.

The romance itself proceeds without obstacles, which is also not particularly involving. I'm not buying a Regency England where everyone is just ducky with women loving women.

Finally, Joan's money troubles are never resolved. As far as I can tell, she ends the book with 200 pounds per year, which is about enough for one servant. It certainly isn't enough to maintain her house and be "benefactress" of the school. That would require at least 2000 pounds per year.

So, a step down from [b:The Accidental Bride|61904986|The Accidental Bride (The Spinsters of Inverley, #2)|Jane Walsh|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1666877569l/61904986._SY75_.jpg|97592341], which had pacing issues but was involving.