A review by allivenger
After the Forest by Kell Woods


This was an interesting take on the classic story of Hansel and Gretel. What did happen to the two of them after the witch died and they escaped the woods? Did they live happily ever after? Or did life get in the way for both of them?

The story starts out with Greta doing what she does best, baking gingerbread using a tried and true recipe that has villages for miles around raving about her baking. But her prowess in the kitchen doesn't stop both Greta and Hans from struggling to get by after the death of both their mother and their father. Hans especially cannot get out from under his gambling debts and it is up to Greta to help him again and again. But a magic recipe from a book might not be enough to save them this time around.

I loved the way the book wove different fairy tales into one cohesive storyline. You have the traditional Hansel and Gretel woven in with the story of Snow White and the huntsman and it made sense at the end. My complaints about the book would be how naive Greta is and how ridiculous Hans is throughout. Greta's ability to empathize later in the book was a welcome change to this storyline and showed that she has the ability to change and adapt as a person once her views of the world were found to be false. As a huge lover of fairytales and of retellings this was a good book. If you enjoy them too I think you'll enjoy it as much as I did.