A review by sarina_langer
Me Life Story: Sofa, So Good! by Scarlett Moffatt


Welcome to my first review in a while! Without daily lunch breaks to myself, I don't get as much time to read, hence the lack of reviews.

Today's book isn't a genre I usually read. Instead of fiction, fantasy, and epic dragon battles, I bring you a biography.

My SO bought me Me Life Story: Sofa, So Good by Scarlett Moffatt as a present. He doesn't get books but knows I love her, so naturally I bumped this right up my tbr list! It's not every day he gifts me a book, after all.

(Confession: I read this months ago. Sadly, I've neglected my reviews a little over the summer. I'm trying to get back on track now.)

We all have that one thing we are good at. Whether it be a skill, humour, or simply being caring. Focus on your positives.

I knew Scarlett from TV like most people and I absolutely adored her, but I was surprised at how much we have in common. At times I felt I'd found a long lost sister (forgive the cheese--I do feel we have a connection though, so shush!), it felt like I was talking to a lifelong BFF, not some stranger from TV.

Sofa, So Good couldn't have been more written in her voice. I read the whole thing in her accent. It was natural, bubbly, and an extremely easy read. Perfect with a cuppa while you're reclining on your sofa!

Just be yourself; you should never have to lie to impress people.

I expected this to be funny (it was), but I didn't expect it to be so uplifting. Sofa, So Good is packed with little bits of wisdom. The quotes I chose for this review are just some of my favourites, but pretty much every chapter ends on an inspiring note both in her own words and her favourites from literature and science.

And I LOVE that Scarlett and her sister have matching Pikachu onesies. Growing up with Pokemon I related hard, and I'm definitely not jealous because I don't have an Eevee onesie *ahem*.

I knew if I wanted to achieve anything I had to leave. See, sometimes withdrawing and leaving has nothing to do with being weak, it has everything to do with strength.

It's an easy recommendation if you love Scarlett Moffatt already or if you need a bit of inspiring girl power in your life.

Sofa, So Good will be a feel-good read for sure. I can just see myself with this after a rough day, a cuppa in hand, giggling to myself and nodding at her uplifting words while she makes me feel better <3