A review by wickedregal
Heart Failure by Chris Zett


When it takes me the first third of a book to actually even remotely start liking one of the main characters it isn't going to go over very well for me. Unfortunately this is the case with this book. Jess, one of the main characters, just really put me completely off. I kept trying to find something to redeem her for her b*tchy self but honestly, the author didn't give me enough of any of her background to really even care. Let's just say if Jess was a person in real life (and this may sound mean) I wouldn't have given her the time of day to start with with that attitude and no apologies for it.

Lena, the other main, was definitely a better person than I. She lets things slide off her and doesn't take much personally. Loved her from the start.

A third through the book I finally started seeing an at least tolerable side to Jess and I did enjoy their walks they started to take. That is when I started to see a more positive side to Jess and was able to see the pair as potential.

So overall I'm going to say this book was alright. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad. I just like to attach myself to characters early on in a book and this one left me hanging for quite a bit.