A review by deepan2486
The Gun by Fuminori Nakamura


I really thought this book was phenomenal. The plot of the book was nothing ground breaking-- a high school student discovering a gun, keeping it and then the events that follow. But even through this simple tale, the author has managed to capture so many emotions, so many dilemmas, so many judgmental crisises at once. The book felt like a slice of life itself and I felt I was inside the head of the protagonist, feeling and experiencing each and every surge of emotion that were going through in his mind. The great thing is, the author has explored the psychology and mindset of the protagonist so wholesomely that it almost felt like I was watching him in front of my own eyes. In the end I could empathize with the emotions of a criminal and it made me realize how our own intelligence can turn against us, ruining us completely

Read detailed review on my blog : https://deepansbookshelf.blogspot.com/2020/03/review-gun-fuminori-nakamura.html?m=1