A review by chelsea_not_chels
And Never Let Her Go: Thomas Capano: The Deadly Seducer by Ann Rule


This is my second Ann Rule book (the first was THE STRANGER BESIDE ME) and I loved it. Capano, the real-life villain of this piece, wasn't (that we know of) a serial killer like Ted Bundy, but he was terrifying in his own way. I had a stalker when I was in high school--someone I had never encouraged and had no entanglements with--and it was terrifying, so I can't imagine how much worse it must have been for Anne Marie Fahey to realize that the person she loved was truly a monster, and trying to disentangle herself, and then paying the ultimate cost for it. And how Capano just GOT AWAY WITH IT for so long, and how it all could have been prevented if anyone had listened to Capano's previous girlfriend's complaints about him, just makes it all worse. Rule has SO MUCH detail on this case, though my edition is somewhat old and I did have to look up what happened to Capano after the case. It's all almost too much to believe, but this is a frightening reality many women live with and I think an important look at how much stalking and relationship violence can begin seemingly innocuously, with gifts and sweet words, and escalates to isolation and manipulation and control, and then slide straight into violence and even straight-up murder.