A review by emmasbookdiary
A Dream of Ebony and White by Melanie Cellier


I love Snow White retellings and I really enjoyed this one!

Snow is a really great character and I really liked her! She’s also very relatable. She’s flawed and she struggles with that inner voice in us all that tells us we aren’t enough and weak. Seeing her journey was really inspiring and I was surprised to find myself in tears a few times. I found the parts with her grandfather and her struggle to forgive him really touching. That usually doesn’t happen in these books so just for that, my rating was higher! 

Alex was such a great hero. His loyalty and love for Snow was soo sweet. And his respect for her!! Wow. He was amazing. 

Their story together was just so sweet. I love best friends to lovers trope so this touched my heart. ❤️

The “dwarves”!! I absolutely adored them!! 🥰 They stole my heart! 

I love the twists Melanie added to this one to make it her own, unique story as she always does. Not only is this a retelling of Snow White, but it’s also a story of forgiveness, conquering insecurity, and love. Loved it!