A review by kitty_kat21
Cat Daddy: What the World's Most Incorrigible Cat Taught Me About Life, Love, and Coming Clean by Jackson Galaxy


I LOVE Jackson Galaxy!

Seriously though, I am an avid fan of his show 'My Cat From Hell' and I fancy the man to death. Needless to say I was excited to read his book.

Far from being a book solely looking at cat behaviour it is a memoir of Jackson's early career working in an animal shelter and chronicals his life also as a struggling musician and a drug addict.

On the downside, the book mainly focuses on Jackson and there was precious little details on his beloved cats. The reader is introduced to Benny, a cat dumped at the shelter that Jackson subsequently takes home. I desperately wanted to know more about Benny but as other reviewers have commented Benny seemed more of a side show to the story of Jackson.

Don't get me wrong I loved reading about Jackson I just wanted more cat stuff. I wanted more information on Velouria, Benny, and all the other cats Jackson briefly mentions. The book could have been double the length to accommodate this and I would have devoured every page. The helpful hints about cat behaviour were sparse but interesting.

I just wanted Jackson's passion for his cats to come through in the description of Benny and Velouria, all their little quirks, habits - in what way exactly they saved Jackson and ultimately added to his life. I'm sure there was a lot of detail inbetween all the life events in Jackson's life about his cats but I didnt really get to read about that and that was kind of disappointing as I expected this book to be more cat focused.

All in all love the man and it was an enjoyable read!