A review by anitalouise
Damned If You Do by Marie Sexton


I have to say that I am shocked that I 4-starred a book about demons! Paranormal, devils, demons, things that go bump in the night, etc are really not my thing but this book blew me away. Abaddon is not the greatest devil so he is desperately seeking a soul because he is way under his quota. He finds Seth, a blind musician at a revival, whose soul shines brightest. Wittily written, mysterious and at times icky
that snake bit grossed me out!
, the story of Abbadon and Seth's travails to happiness were engaging, funny and sweet. Loved Zed! That line and I'll spoiler tag it since it appears close to the end
"Even angels seem to go for the bad boys!"
left me roaring with laughter. I have to say that the Biblical quotes were spot on. So well done and interwoven with the story that both emphasized the points and brought a level of credence that was refreshing. Lot of thought went into telling this compelling story. The likening of hell to long lines at the DMV, 70's era copy machines with exploding toner and unending paperwork were so clever. Not many secondary characters but I have to give a shout out to Baphomet!! What a great best friend. Not a lot of heat but what was there was appropriate and more importantly, so reinforced the sweetness between Abbadon and Seth. Great read!!