A review by christiana
How Not to Ask a Boy to Prom by S.J. Goslee


Things About This Book That Gave Me Pause
*It's a book with a gay teen protag but not really a book I think would be a good fit for a gay teen looking for book recommendations. This book was fun, but too breezy and detail-glossy for me to think it's a book a gay teen would see themself in.
*I still don't know which character is Si and which is Bern on the cover based on the descriptions throughout the book (this is something that confounded me from almost the very beginning and I never got closure on).
*I almost gave up on this book at the beginning because it was hitting me over the head with how much Nolan liked narwhals. Like, he is described pretty well throughout as a full realized character, so I don't know why we quadrupled down on HEY DID YOU KNOW NOLAN LIKES NARWHALS??????