A review by blodeuedd
Third Daughter by Susan Kaye Quinn


First, where are my saber duels? You promised me duels.

Moving on. Everyone was so ohhh bollypunk! While I was all there could be more. Just cos you show us Indian clothes on the cover. Have Indian names and mention a few things does not India make. This could have been any fake fantasy land. I never saw steampunk in this world. It was more a fantasy book with a skyship with a few Indian flavors. I think I would like to see what someone that actually is from India thinks. That would be interesting. I just wanted more. More India, and def more steampunk. A few gadgets does not steampunk make.

But it was a good story, even if it felt totally fantasy in a fantasy land.

Anirir must marry a neighboring prince. They are barbarians and she is all euww. She goes there to spy cos they have an airship. And she is all I miss my lover! She is 17. But she matures and gets a brain...was this YA? Honestly it did not feel like YA. Dunno what makes a book feel YA. Just cos someone is young does not make it YA and this never felt YA. I only realised it when I read reviews.

Even if I wanted more meat on its bones I enjoyed it and would read more.