A review by jdeveret
Watership Down by Richard Adams


This is a fantastic book! I didn't know much about it going in other than that it was about rabbits and it was referenced on Lost. Going in I had the impression that this was one of those dusty "modern classics", so I expected to struggle at first to become engaged, but the narrative moves quickly and is bolstered by a far more interesting and charismatic group of protagonists than I would ever have thought achievable by anthropomorphic rabbits. The descriptions of the rabbit mythos, as well as many of the story beats, were reminiscent of Tolkien, particularly The Hobbit; but frankly, Watership Down is more richly layered, and just plain more interesting, than Bilbo's adventure. I particularly enjoyed reading about Hazel, the unassuming leader of the warren and a particularly fascinating character, and I found his quiet confidence and level-headedness to be inspiring. He never asks to be in charge, but it doesn't take long for even those who once outranked him to defer to his wisdom as the rabbits strive to make a new society. Whether or not you've heard of this book, if you're looking for a pleasant read that is equal parts adventure and bildungsroman, I encourage you to find a copy!