A review by baoluong
This Coven Won't Break by Isabel Sterling


Really breezed through this and I think it's due to the faster pacing not brought down by the need to initiate the readers.


Here's an age old question. If a hate group seeks out to commit genocide on your people, what are you supposed to do? After a traumatic first book, These Witches Don't Burn, the torture and death continues. I would like to say this is a pretty gruesome book at times. The stakes (pun not intended) are set up in book one and while by the end they're sort of resolved, it's not as satisfying. That may be the point. This is a war where you're fighting for your life. There are sacrifices, ones you didn't make because if it were up to you this wouldn't be happening at all.

Hannah is an elemental witch and is proud of her lineage. It's an extension of who she is and she knows whatever the hunters are up to is devious. How can you cure something that isn't an illness. They've found a way to take magic from the witches but as Hannah explains it feels like a part of you is missing much like if you were to lose your eyesight. This then becomes a biochemical warfare in a race to destroy the poison.

What we come to learn about both the witch covens and hunters is they're both oppressive that are hinted at but not expanded upon. The witch covens are racist (go figure) but not necessarily against humans (but I could definitely see that happening). Instead, their racism exists within the elemental, blood, and caster witches. Some even attempt to murder each other because they're a different race. It's convoluted and not handled well.

In fact, there's a lot going on. From abusive stalker exes (a running theme that's almost romanticized) to recovering from PTSD, the book definitely tackles many subjects. Sometimes they're handled well especially when it comes to Hannah learning how to cope with the literal murder of her father. However, it's mottle by a weak villain and consequently a lackluster twist. It's the case of the "villain" having a good point but I guess the ends does not justify the means. We're asked this hard question of what does it take to start a revolution and fight oppression. And it's not answered but rather swept under the rug as if what it took to get here wasn't extremely painful. As if Hannah wasn't living in relative ignorance and didn't even realize how racist her coven was until she started dating a blood witch.

Suffice to say, it was a quick read and I enjoyed the pacing even if it was clumsy handling the larger implications of the events unfolding. I recommend this for the representation because the relationship between Hannah and Morgan was charming and sweet.