A review by catladyreba
The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century by Grace Lee Boggs


I am very glad I am reading this, I am really enjoying learning about something of which I know almost nothing. I'm not that far in, and what keeps striking me is the way in which Grace Lee Boggs has so much contempt for President Bush. I'm not saying I disagree with any of her assessments or commentary, but it almost seems quaint to look back at good ole W, and just chuckle. I just cringe reading this book, knowing that Trump is on the horizon, and what's about to come is so much more vile and heartbreaking. All the more reason to study at the feet of an activist like Boggs and refuse to give into the hate and fear-mongering.

While I am glad I read this, overall, it fell a bit flat. I am grateful that it opened my eyes to many ideas, thinkers, and concepts, I did learn a lot. I don't necessarily agree with everything presented in the book but it's good to have ideals, and the hope that people, not governments or institutions, can change the world. Naive? Maybe a bit, but I'd rather have naive hope than live in despair.