A review by anban
Boy Underwater by Adam Baron


Everything is pretty normal for Cymbeline Igloo, apart from his name, and the fact he has never been swimming.

What starts off as a pretty uneventful school trip to the pool turns into his mother having a sudden breakdown and Cym's mission to find out exactly why his mum is so terrified of him being around water.

With the help of friends, old and new, and his bear, Mr Fluffy, Cym takes us on an adventure splattered with humour and hurt in equal measures as we find out if anything will ever be normal again. I completely disagree with anyone who claims this book isn't suitable for its suggested age range. Yes it deals with difficult topics of death, mental health, and family secrets but that is exactly what kids need. While this might be a fabricated story there are many young people who go through these experiences and reading a book from the point of view of one of their own, a child of nine with the sense of humour to match, will give them hope and understanding that they are not alone in those experiences.

I loved this book. Sure it's silly in places and dark in others but that's what makes it brilliant.