A review by cctblog
Searching for You by Jody Hedlund


I loved this book (and series) so much! While I was curious about what happened to Sophie Neumann, what I really wanted was for Reinhold Weiss to find love ... and he did!

Sophie, though just 18, is the only mother Nicholas and Olivia have ever known. When she and her friend Anna are caught up in a gang fight that turns fatal, Sophie realizes she needs to flee New York ... and the only solution she can think of is to join an Orphan Train. They end up in a small Illinois town, and that town also happens to be the adopted home of Reinhold Weiss, a man Sophie knew as a young girl.

Sophie is horribly ashamed of what she did to provide for Nicholas and Olivia prior to fleeing the city. Reinhold is terrified of becoming an angry bully like his father. Yet they form a tentative partnership in an effort to save Nicholas and Olivia, and as they spend time together, they begin to fall in love.

Of the three Neumann sisters, Sophie started out as my least favorite, but her love story is the one I enjoyed the most. I also appreciated this look at the darker side of the Orphan Trains: some of the characters ended up in abusive situations; not every family was as good as the one that took Sophie in.

The book ends with a glimpse into both Elise and Marianne's lives; it's a great wrap-up to the series!

Disclosure of material connection: I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and the opinions expressed are my own.