A review by inkedupmargins
My Sister is Missing by Carissa Ann Lynch


I adored the descriptive style Lynch used to write this story and describe the scenery. Her imagery will have me seeking more from Lynch in the future. My Sister is Missing begins with a younger sister, Emily, visiting her elder sister, Madi, in their hometown. Emily has not visited home in almost a decade and the two have not been as close. Shortly after Emily’s arrival, her elder sister goes missing, and the plot encompasses the search for Madi.

This was a quick read for me. There were a few questionable characters that left me guessing, but for the most part I knew how the story would end. I appreciated how Lynch portrayed the small town dynamics. That said, I felt the pacing jumped a bit. When Madi’s sister went missing there was a lack of concern and the panic escalated a bit too slowly. Additionally, I’m not certain the climax of the story did justice to the build up on this one, but I enjoyed it just the same. Thank you to NetGalley and Killer Reads for a digital advance reader copy in exchange for my honest review.