A review by doesemilyread
I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes


WOW! I really enjoyed this book! It’s not a genre I usually go for, but I couldn’t put it down.

It was so interesting and intense! The entire last part of the book had me on the edge of my seat. The pacing was spot on and there was never a boring part, or a part I didn’t like. I found myself trying to guess what was coming, and then getting it completely wrong every time!

The only reason it isn’t 5 stars is because I found the writing style a bit odd to understand at first (as it jumps to different characters and different times with no warning). Once I got used to it though I really enjoyed it, but I found the first 100 pages or so a bit hard to read!

Overall, once I got into the rhythm of it, I was hooked and thoroughly enjoyed it!