A review by its_justine
Under Ordshaw by Phil Williams


Under Ordshaw is the gritty and thrilling first installment in Phil Williams’ Ordshaw series, an Urban Fantasy jaunt perfectly balanced with a little bit of horror and a little bit of humor. At its heart it’s a cautionary tale of the dangers of secrets, highlighting that no matter how determined one may be to leave the past behind, it will always be lurking around the darkest of corners. Set in a familiar world where the line between good and bad is blurred beyond recognition, readers are barraged with the weird and wondrous, as they’re introduced to cryptic mysteries, foul-mouthed fairies, and deception seeping from the pages. There’s much to discover below the city of Ordshaw, and this is only the beginning – A story that sinks it teeth and claws in, and refuses to let go.

The world Williams has crafted is among the strongest aspects of this book. Readers are transported to a corrupt city crawling with vicious crime syndicates, secret government agencies with neither limits nor regard for collateral damage, and a sovereign society deeply governed by shady politics, all struggling for a foothold in this living, breathing behemoth. But the real threat lies beneath. Mysterious entities, horrific abominations, and nasty secrets lie in wait, stalking and hunting the unaware in the pitch black tunnels under Ordshaw. There are so many layers to the city itself, both literally and figuratively, and peeling back each to discover bits and pieces at a time is an engaging and fully immersive venture. Vivid and tactile descriptions easily submerge those that fall victim to its sinister charm.

There’s a brilliant myriad of morally gray players with their hands in the game throughout this story, a game that has yet to truly reveal itself. Pax, a late-night card player looking to cruise through life on her meager winnings; Casario, a rogue agent of The Ministry, who’s completely consumed by his prejudices; Barton, a broken man attempting to forget the past and mend burned bridges at home; and Letty, a salty fairy who has gloriously introduced me to a whole new vocabulary of profanities. Each so finely developed, their intentions warring with those of the others, but all with both damning and redeeming qualities. Early in the story it’s easy to pick a side, but as the story progresses it becomes more difficult to remain steadfast your belief of who’s the “good guy”.

Williams portrays the extraordinary with a well-written and polished narrative, smartly stripped of all unnecessary details that may have otherwise weighed it down, leaving readers fully invested in attempting to put the puzzle pieces together. He excels at presenting clever, hilarious banter and amusing delusions as we make our way through each of the three parts, adding plenty of levity to the darker aspects of the book. The story itself suffers from a bit of a slow start, but then quickly builds up and explodes into an action-packed race to the finish as all the factions converge. A solid plot is presented, then developed and evolved as readers are introduced to the various needs and desires of all involved.

Under Ordshaw is a gleaming example of what the Urban Fantasy subgenre has to offer, and it surpassed all the expectations I had when I first began flipping through its pages. We’re left with lots of questions that need answering, and threads that need tying, so it’s a blessing the rest of this series is already published. I’m very much looking forward to what glorious absurdity awaits me in Blue Angel and The Violent Fae. If you’re on the hunt for a gripping tale drenched in mystery and ample sass, the I highly recommend giving this a read.


See this review and others at Whispers & Wonder