A review by sandraagee
The Hidden Gallery by Maryrose Wood


I was THIS close to giving this book five stars. This sequel to last year's book [b:The Mysterious Howling|6609748|The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place The Mysterious Howling|Maryrose Wood|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1275641450s/6609748.jpg|6803715] continues to build on the themes themes presented in the first volume. We still don't have a lot of answers to the overarching questions (Where did the Incorrigables come from? What's going on with Lord Ashton? And how exactly does Miss Lumley fit into the whole mess?), but we do have a lot more clues. And you can't deny that the writing is a ton of fun with a tone that is a bit remoniscent of [a:Lemony Snicket|36746|Lemony Snicket|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1199734355p2/36746.jpg] - clever, but with plenty of whimsy. I'm anxious for the next volume.