A review by abbyl819
History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera


2.5 stars

I have heard such great things about this book, as well as all others by Adam Silvera, so I am pretty disappointed that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I found that the story was a little boring and didn’t have much going on or depth to it, in my opinion. I wasn’t a fan of the characters and didn’t feel connected to them. I also didn’t love the relationship that drives this whole story, nor the relationships following it. This book read very slowly and I found that it wasn’t holding my attention majority of the time. I almost decided to DNF it, but I pushed through because this book and author are so popular. I have read one other book by Adam Silvera, and I wasn’t a huge fan of that either. It makes me sad to admit it, but I’m not sure that I will be continuing to read books by this author. I just don’t think that his writing style and type of stories that he writes is for me.