A review by shelbylovestoread
This Is Forever by Natasha Madison


Justin will forever be my favorite! Of all of the Stone/Grant/Horton men, I think Justin will always hold the favorite place in my heart! I love, love love this story, and I just love Justin, Dillon and Caroline.
Justin Stone is our hockey royalty, following in his dad and older brother's footsteps and becoming a professional hockey player. His career and his family name has afforded him a lot of opportunites in life, and to give back, Justin puts on a hockey camp every year for underprivledged families, which allows kids who might not be able to play the opportunity.
Caroline is a single mom to Dillon, a little boy who loves hockey, but Caroline is a struggling single income parent, with a dead beat ex who is just awful. Through his regular season coach, Dillon gets the opportunity to play at Justin's camp, and fate grants Justin and Caroline the chance to meet.
Justin falls hard. Honestly, I think it was almost love at first site for Justin, not just with Caroline, but also with Dillon. Caroline, not so much...she's leary of this famous and rich guy who has all the right words, but isn't really grasping what Caroline and Dillon have lived through or currently are living through.
Caroline has had a really rough go in life. She got knocked up early, and although she did think she loved Dillon's dad, they got married because of student housing. An injury lead to drug addiction, which pushed Caroline's ex to make very stupid and dangerous decisions. Caroline does what she needs to do to escape her ex and save her son from the horrors of that life.
Justin doesn't seem to understand what Caroline and Dillon have truly lived through and experienced because he has had a sheltered and priveledged life in comparison. His parents and siblings love him. He makes an incredible living. He has a great support system. Seeing what Caroline and Dillon live in was a shock to his system, and I think at first, Caroline thinks Justin being there is a charity, which Caroline is adamently against. But Justin felt something for Caroline the first time he saw her, and he loves seeing Dillon everyday.
I just love this story. The strength of Caroline and how she never stopped fighting for Dillon, Justin's persistence and patience with Caroline, and how he calls her "sweetheart", Dillon's sweet personality and how brings their family together, how Justin wanted a family with both Caroline and Dillon, and the whole Stone/Grant/Horton family vacation at the last quarter of the book was the best part!! I've read the ebook, paperbook, and audiobook more times then I can count, I've read all the hockey books, all the way to Dillon's story (which honestly competes with this one as my favorite), but there will always be something about Justin's book that calls to me and is one of my go to, all time favorite reads!! Love my Hockey Series, cannot wait to see what happens in the future with the Stone/Grant/Horton/extended clan!!