A review by awesomelybadbooks
The Religions Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by D.K. Publishing


I want to start off this review by saying that I did not finish this book!

There are a lot of subjects that I don't know about that I want to know more about. Top among those subjects is religion. I've never been a religious person. Spiritual, perhaps, but never overly religious. My parents never forced me to go to church, they never really forced their religion upon me, and I've always been free to explore that area if I wanted to so I could ensure that my beliefs are what I want or envision them to be. I never really wanted to go exploring in that direction until recently, but I didn't want to go take a class at the local college because that's a chunk of change to spend with a chance that I'll still walk away potentially confused. Instead, I scoured the internet for books that may be of assistance to me. When I came upon this book, I thought it seemed like it would be a good fit.

It's not!

The book is beautifully laid out but, to my brain, it just adds to my confusion as I was trying to learn and absorb the material. The charts and pictures really don't add anything for me, they weren't helpful. The actual text itself? It was very, very repetitive and that's not how I learn. You can tell me something over and over again and I might never get it even after the fifteenth time! I was expecting a far more in depth look at each religion, prepared to be exposed to the beauty of each of them, and get sucked into the material in some sort of cohesive way. This was just repetitive and felt, to me, like it was all over the place. I'm not saying that this book would be bad for all individuals! No, it's just not how I learn.

I would recommend this if a wall of text is far too much (and it can be, absolutely!) for you and you need to have the visuals and the repetitiveness to absorb the material. My brain just wasn't equipped for this particular style.