A review by stewie
Woman in White by Kristin Dearborn


Woman in White excels in a lot of areas, most noticeably the sense of isolation and dread that permeates throughout. Author Kristin Dearborn makes exceptional use of the incoming blizzard that is threatening the town, and you can easily believe that these people, especially the men, are doomed. There's nowhere to escape from either the blizzard or the thing hunting them, and there's no one to turn to for help. This is a favorite plotline of mine, this apocalyptic-but-not-really situation the townspeople are in, not unlike what you see in The Shining, The Thing, 30 Days of Night, and other media of this type. The idea that you are so close to help yet so far away terrifies me.

You can read my entire review at HorrorTalk.com.