A review by gabbygetsreading
Red Rising by Pierce Brown


This was so disappointing. It started out so interesting, and the premise had me intrigued. However, once darrow (which I thought was Daryl from the audiobooks pronunciation) left the mines is when it all went downhill. I feel like the author got so caught up in the political "lesson" that he lost the plot. This got so boring and repetitive quickly. Darrow lost sight of his mission almost immediately. He starts just flexing how above average he is and having little moments where he goes, "Oh yeah, I wonder how the reds back there are doing.". I get that's supposed to be part of his character development to get lost in the sauce acting like a gold, but he literally loses the whole mission altogether. The audiobook makes it hard to understand what's going on at any given point because the accent is so thick. I was trying to keep up with understanding the accent, the lingo, and the world building but felt lost a good majority of this book. Darrow would move from one location to the next, and I'd have no idea until halfway into a new conversation. This started to drag, and I just wanted it to be over. I dodnt really care about most of these characters. There were too many of them to keep up with all of them.