A review by confessions_of_a_bookaholic
The Call by Christian White, Summer de Roche


Jackie and Pete King own and run one of the two local pubs in sleepy country town Dunmore. When Jackie gets a call offering the couple $100,000 if they let someone bury a body on their land it should be a straightforward answer, but money has been tight in recent times and the couple risk losing everything if they can't pay their suppliers soon. 

I'm not sure when I downloaded this book, I'm guessing it might have been an Editor's Extra at some point. It's a short book, and I've enjoyed Christian White before so figured it would be worth a listen. 

There's aspects of this that I thought were done well - Pete and Jackie seemed like a believable couple, and the strain that they faced throughout the book felt genuine. The story moves quickly, but it isn't lacking in detail or depth for this. 

The thing I couldn't get past was that the amount of money the couple are offered wouldn't last very long, it's hardly life changing given the situation we find them in at the start of the book. With that and what is actually asked of them I just couldn't imagine anyone saying yes! This became a big sticking point for me, and is the main reason I've stuck with 3 stars.