A review by divapitbull
The Dex-Files by Karina Halle


The Dex-Files retells scenes from the Experiment in Terror series (books 1 – 5 and one scene from book 6) from Dex’s point of view. I want to say I don’t see the point because it was more repetitive than anything; but I think I do see the point. It’s a nice little treat for the Dex fans – of which I’m sure there must be some. I think possibly the glimpse into his head is supposed to make him a more sympathetic character and perhaps win over some of the non-Dex fans – which is a great idea in theory; except that in execution it just confirms that, in actuality – Dex is an even bigger douche canoe than previously thought.

The first 2 scenes are from Dex’s childhood – and yes he had a traumatic and horrific one and yes, I did feel empathy and sorrow for him. There is no doubt that trauma leaves an everlasting mark; but what defines a person are the choices they make, they ways in which they choose to respond to the trauma and to their life circumstances. Dex made shitty choices. Self-absorbed, selfish, egocentric choices that didn’t consider anyone’s feelings but his own. He didn’t develop a shred of empathy – after hurting so badly, he never considered that others could hurt too, that he through the callousness of his actions could be the cause of their hurt. It never crossed his mind to care. Dex had a shitty life, so screw everybody else.

Dex implies that he loves Perry. I don’t recall if he articulates it, but there is some moaning about “ruining the only relationship that meant something to him” when he treated her like a dickwad at the end of Lying season. Then there’s some internal monologue about whether Perry inspired him to be “a better man” which doesn’t get answered. I’ll answer it for him: Not yet. When you’re claiming to be head over heels for one girl but missing the “regular sex” from your ex. girl who you didn’t love because Lordy knows when you’re gonna get some from the new girl…I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you are not yet a “better man”. I’m sure Dex loves Perry to the extent that he is able. Thus far that “love” is not something a healthy person would be interested in. It’ll be interesting to see if he really does grow up and get his shit together and if that is enough for me to wash out the bad taste he has left in my mouth thus far.

Also: Is Maximus Jacobs Dex’s “Jacob”???? Or is he Perry’s Jacob? Or did he get stuck jacobing them both???