A review by deehaichess
The Legacy Of Lord Regret by Sam Bowring


I already knew that anything I read directly after finishing the 3rd and final book in Richard Morgan's awesome, brutal Land Fit for Heroes series would probably suffer for the comparison, so I didn't have really high expectations for this book. That being said, it had enough going for it - reasonably light, straight forward and featuring an sympathetic enough almost-anti hero - that I read it fairly quickly and easily. Bowring's characters are a little simplistic, his writing a little basic, but he has an interesting premise - a group of once-heroes inadvertently become the monster they hunted - and the author hints in this first book at questions of moral reform and past evils redeemed. Whether that theme continues in the second book remains to be seen but by the end of the story I was sufficiently invested in the main character and where things were going to want to read the next installment.

Legacy of Lord Regret didn't set my world on fire, but it was enjoyable without being too demanding and I can definitely recommend it (so far!) for a good light read a bit above the standard sword and sorcery tale.