A review by hopeful125
Rocket Raccoon, Volume 2: Storytailer by Filipe Andrade, Skottie Young, Jake Parker


4/5 Stars

Rocket Raccoon and his big buddy Groot are at it again in this second volume from Skottie Young. There is exciting space romps, witty banter, and a undercurrent of finding where to belong and what is truly important in the world. Make no mistake about it, I am a Marvel fangirl but it still surprises me how well a raccoon and a tree make such a great story.

Young brings out the funny like no other and even when Groot is speaking the humor is on point. I feel like the most important part of this volume is the Gilmore Girls reference Rocket makes to Groot. It made me laugh out loud during a scene that is also very touching. There's even an appearance by Cosmo the Spacedog! Skottie Young also does an excellent job of balancing that humor with emotional storylines which provides a well rounded narrative for all.

The illustrations and coloring by Andrade and Parker is absolutely beautiful. I'm a sucker for traditional comic/superhero art and this hits right at my heart. The colors are so vibrant that they jump from the page; bright and enticing. I particularly liked the depiction of the Winter Planet. The gorgeous contrasts between the light and dark really stand out.

Full review here: https://hopefulreads.wordpress.com/2015/11/02/comic-review-rocket-raccoon-vol-2-storytailer/